Saturday, December 27, 2014

Keto Friendly Eggnog!

Hey guys! Got a keto friendly eggnog here.

Now, I am just now taste testing this after letting it sit in the fridge for quite a few hours, and I think either a) too much nutmeg or b) too little splenda.

You can add nutmeg and stuff for taste as you will; I made a Gallon, and here's the recipe.

Half Gallon of Almond Milk Unsweetended Vanilla Flavored
Quart of Liquid Eggs
2 Pints of Heavy Whipping Cream
1 Cup of Splenda
I did the entire 30mil of Vanilla Extract
and I did 1/4th cup of Nutmeg.

The last two, I would add to taste (of course, this recipe is easily halved as well if you wanna try it).

I bought a Gallon of water for .95 and poured it down the drain, and used it as my jug.

Pour everything into it, cap and shake it shake it shake it.

I then let it sit in the fridge marinating; you can do whatever.

Here's what it looks like in the cup:

Instantly I notice it is not as thick as traditional eggnog... but it probably could never be and keep it this low carb.

Here is the Nutrition: First for the entire gallon, then a 4oz serving. (I'm drinking an 8oz glass right now)

I am sure there are ways to get that carb count down some more; but even then, not too shabby. 

It has tasted better and better as I sip while writing this. Of course, this is a virgin Eggnog!

Until next time

Monday, November 10, 2014

Home Scale finally worked.

I know I haven't gone into detail here on what happened. But in late August I got Gout.

It scared me so I went off Keto.

I started back last week.

Now, up until today my scale wouldn't read me, it was just saying Error.  But today it finally read out...


So i gained like, 35 pounds in 2 months (probably more, this week of Keto i've already started feeling better)

It's a journey. I'm not gonna let things side track me any more. Let's go


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Bacon Xxplosion

Shit you will need:

26 pieces of bacon. I bought Hormal Black label Maple Bacon.
16 oz Jimmy Deans Sausage ( i chose Mild)
I did 8 oz of Publix Colby Jack cheese (you can use whatever)

Here's the TOTAL nutritional value (before breaking into servings)

I would say this needs to be broken up into 3 servings or more; depending on your macros and such for sure.

So here We go!

First things first: Weave 5 by 6 bacon (after making this I realized I had more room to weave)

Also: You should have clear wrap and aluminum foil, which I did not have.

So back the 5 x 6 bacon for 10-15 minutes at 400 degrees

While the bacon cooks, take the sausage and make it into a square like so.

When the bacon is done, put it on top of the sausage like so.

I used colby jack but you can use whatever. Cut it (I could have gone thinner) and cover the area up. Then, start rolling using a Sushi method of using the paper to roll, then bringing the paper back to continue rolling. 

I should have let the bacon cool first before starting this process; because the sausage got hella greasy.

This is the rolled sausage. I put that in the fridge to calm down while I made the outer bacon weave.

Outer bacon weave, 7 x 8 on the bacon this time, and turned at a diamond shape when I was done.

Place the sausage roll like so. I could have gotten mine tighter had i had clear wrap and aluminum foil. Lesson learned.

Here is the rolled product, ready for the oven. 400 degrees, for 1 hour. 

And the final product after and hour in the oven. Let it set for about 5 minutes and rest, then cut into that sunuvabitch! (I wish it was tighter and that cheese hadn't seemed out the middle, but what can you do?

And this is what it looks like after taking a slice.

I cut into 3 parts so the one meal nutrition is this:

So there you have it. I have a daily limit of 1800 calories; so this is perfect after a Intermittent fast day.

I'm about to eat the hell out of this, I put the other 2 pieces in tupperware for later days.


Keep calm and keto on


Friday, August 8, 2014

Keto Pizza using a Wrap? Yes, I said it.

I found an awesome product today while shopping, and they are Low Net Carb wraps.

So I had the idea of making pizza out of it, and by golly, it worked and tasted amazingly!

I preheated the oven to 350 and put some wax paper down with 2 of these Flat Out Wraps. At the end of this I will post the MyFitness Pal Macros!

Sauced her up with Walmart brand sauce, which is the lowest carb option they have. I used less then half a serving of sauce to cover both wraps.

This here is just some sprinkles of cheese, which allow the toppings to adhere to the tortilla. Source: I worked at Pizza Hut for 3.5 years.

22 Pepperonis. Which is like 1.5 servings. Yum.

I'm a huge fan of Olives, and Mario olives have less then 1 carb per serving, this was about 2 servings of olives.

I needed more fat and protein, so I cut um a cheddar wurst and added it to the pizza. Yummo

Took most of the cheese that was left, and covered it all up!

I baked it at 350 for 13 minutes, the crust came out nice and crispy (the center was a little looser, but after a longer cooling it will be better.)

The finished product. So figgen yummy.

And for your macro woes:

Because I do Intermittant Fasting I have about 1400 calories left over for dinner ever day.
First column is calories, second column is NET carbs, 3rd is carbs, 4th is Fat, 5th is Protein, 6th is Fiber and last is Potassium.

If you make just one, then you're at 12 net carbs. I usually eat between 20-30 net carbs during the day, and had tons of calories to make up, so I ate both of these. So friggen good and totally Keto friendly!

I hope you enjoy!

All ingredients found at Walmart!


Monday, August 4, 2014

I get asked why Keto a lot. Here's an excellent write up!

Credit to /u/re76

After having to deal with one too many people telling me that Keto is no better than a basic calorie restricted diet, I did some research and decided to arm myself with knowledge. What follows is a piece I typed up mainly for my own benefit and a few of my other keto-friends, but I thought I should share it here so others might benefit from it as well.
Disclaimer: This is all based off my own personal research and I will openly admit it very well might be flawed. Anyone who knows better please correct me...
How Keto Works
It is common knowledge that weight loss can be expressed as a function of calories in vs. calories out. Eat too many calories and you store fat, eat less calories and you burn fat. This is a true statement in general but the one thing to keep in mind is that this is a gross simplification of how the body works. There are actually many other factors at play. In order to expand on these other factors we first need to understand how the body works in a typical scenario.
The body has many ways to store energy, but two of the most common are glycogen and ketones. Glycogen is formed from carbohydrates, while ketones are derived from fat. The body prefers glycogen because it requires less energy to make, this is sort of a path of least resistance scenario. When we ingest carbs, they immediately get turned into glucose and the body does one of three things (maybe four) with them:
  1. If our blood glucose is low, they will immediately be used in order to increase the blood glucose level.
  2. If our blood glucose is normal, but our glycogen reserves are not at capacity, it will convert the glucose into glycogen, which is stored in the liver, and partly the muscle, for later use.
  3. If our blood glucose is normal, and our glycogen reserves are full, the glucose is converted into a triglyceride which is then stored in fat tissue.
  4. If our blood glucose is high, you are either insulin resistant or your pancreas is not functioning properly. You have bigger problems.
This whole process is regulated by our pancreas, which secretes two hormones, insulin and glucagon. Insulin signals the body to reduce the blood glucose level by telling adipose fat tissue to take in the extra blood glucose and store it away as fat. Glucagon signals the body to increase blood glucose level by telling the liver to release glucose into the bloodstream (glycogen is what it uses to make the glucose). The problem with eating a carbohydrate rich diet is that we are constantly adding a bunch of glucose into our system, which is then causing "insulin spikes" to try and tame our rapidly skyrocketing blood glucose level. Unless we have depleted our glycogen reserves this insulin response causes the glucose to be immediately stored as fat. Even more scary though is if we keep doing this long enough, there is a possibility to develop an insulin resistance. Now you are pre-diabetic.
This repetitive spiking of insulin any time we eat, causes us to almost always have an elevated level of insulin. The elevated level of insulin actually prevents us from converting fat into energy, because the insulin is signaling the body to do the exact opposite. This is why on a carbohydrate heavy diet, you become lethargic and sleepy if you don't eat.Your body is so reliant on a constant stream of glucose that you become very inefficient at actually converting stored fat back into a usable form of energy.
So how do we break this cycle and get our body back on track? Eat fewer carbs. So now that we understand how the glucose pathway (glycolosis), lets discuss the less known, and less used ketone pathway (ketogenesis).
So if you think back to biology you might remember things called mitochondria, the citric acid cycle, and ATP. Basically mitochondria use the citric acid cycle and an input, either Pyruvate which is derived from glucose, or Acetly-CoA which is a ketone body. They both can be used to create ATP, the energy of our body, but they come from very different pathways.
Ketone bodies are produced when the body is depleted of carbohydrate stores such as glycogen, and there is a low level of blood glucose. When our body gets to this point it realizes it needs some way to create energy (ATP), but it has to start using a secondary method of getting ATP. This is where ketogenesis comes into play. The body can use Acetyl-CoA which is a ketone, to fuel the citric acid cycle. At this point you might be wondering how does the body manage to maintain a safe blood glucose level?
When in ketosis the blood glucose level is maintained through a process called gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis is a process by which the body can generate glucose from fatty-acids. The fatty acids are provided by our diet, and fat stores (love handles). So by not eating carbs we are forcing our body to derive glucose and ATP from forms of fat. All the while because we are not bombarding our metabolism with glucose from carbs, we have a very small, and very stable amount of insulin in our systems. If you remember back to what Insulin does, it effectively tells our body to pull glucose out of the blood stream and store it; so with low-stable insulin levels this means we have very small opportunity to store fat while in ketosis.
Another benefit of being in ketosis is now our ketone pathway is firing on all cylinders, and there is no insulin to hinder retrieval of fatty acids from fat stores, we are able to very efficiently create energy from the fat stores that we have. This is why intermittent fasting is such a great compliment to keto. This is also where the "clean-energy" feeling comes from. Even if we go for 12+ hours without eating, it is possible to not feel sleepy or lethargic while in ketosis because the body has a readily available supply of fat that it can pump into the ketone pathway. There are also many other benefits of intermittent fasting such as autophagy, which is a process the body uses to do "house cleaning", basically the body recycles dysfunctional cells.
I set out to just outline WHY keto is good, but I ended up writing a full discourse on HOW it is good. To summarize the main benefits of keto are:
  • It manipulates your metabolism to a state where converting fat into energy is extremely easy.
  • It regulates insulin production, and prevents or even corrects, insulin resistance.
  • It provides very consistent and clean energy levels by stabilizing insulin production, and promoting use of fat stores as energy in periods of fasting.
So even though it is possible to lose weight using a normal calorie-restricted approach, the keto approach is much more conducive to weight loss, because it promotes the burning of fat as energy. It also allows you to eat more calories because the ketone pathway is overall less efficient than the glucose pathway, in terms of ATP/calorie, this goes back to the path of least resistance thing.

Hi! Freeze again; after reading that I hope you get the idea of why the research I put into this lifestyle made me choose it. In this write up he discusses "intermitent fasting"; which I do every day. I stop eating by midnight usually, and I dont eat again until like 7PM the next day. I'll have 1 liquid fat drink during the day (either a Bullet Proof Coffee) or a Starbucks Latte made with heavy cream; and thats it. Some days I dont eat until after 9pm . Why? I just dont get hungry (my body is using the fat I already have).

Example: Today is Sunday. I weighed myself on Thursday, weighed myself last night after eating 3 burger patties, and i was 5 pounds lighter then Thursday.

I recommend looking into keto for sure; as i love it as a lifestyle (and on cheat days I feel fucking miserable for the first 12 hours).

I got a VLog coming soon !

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A 60 day update for you

The left, was at my full weight; which was 400lbs. The right, is me yesterday morning, heading towards 360!

The journey is still a long way off; but I am finally starting to see it happening!

Keep up on your journey!


Sunday, June 8, 2014

My first Hate message!

In the midst of all the positive, there is also always those people who have nothing better to do then to spout negativity because they hate their lives. Here is my first negative message from my weight loss journey!

I guess this means I am on the right path!

Friday, May 9, 2014

(Day 13) Keto: Bacon Cheeseburger Rollup.

Umm, so as I finish up my second week of kicking ass on Keto; I have found a recipe that I will have to do. I'll add the pictures to this to get you drooling. This was submitted on

That link should have all the recipe; here's some juicy pictures for you to droll over...

Yeh.. so I can't wait to try this.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

(Day 6) I just found an amazing Keto Recipe. Cannot wait to make this.. Pizza anyone?

  • 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1 cup shredded mild cheddar cheese
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 lb sausage
  • (For double recipe, I used 2 lb ground, 1 lb sausage. I have tried ground turkey and chicken but they don't have much flavor)
  • 1 cup diced red onion
  • 2 cup diced green bell pepper - or green and red, orange, etc
  • 8 ounces sliced black olives - can't go wrong with black olives
  • 8 ounces mushrooms
  • 4oz bag of sliced pepperoni - this holds your casserole together
  • Italian spices
  • 2-4 garlic cloves minced
  • 16 ounces pizza sauce - I found a generic brand with only a few carbs, or you can make your own with tomato sauce+paste+seasonings
  1. Brown ground meat with the Italian seasoning. Drain off the fat (or keep it). Add garlic and cook for a few more minutes. Set aside meat
  2. Saute peppers, onions, mushroom. I did this in the meat pan. Add pizza sauce when done sauteing
  3. Spray and cover the baking pan (9x13, 12x16) with your cooked meat. Layer with black olives. Pour sauce+veggies mixture over/into meat mixture. Layer with pepperonis.
  4. Blend your shredded cheese and layer it over the mixture.
  5. Cover with more pepperoni and black olives if you have any
  6. Bake at 425 for 15-20

Needless to say; I saw this on /r/keto and had to share with you all; as I will be making this bad boy next week!

Oh, did I mention Keto rocks? It's amazing. 

I'm staying around 1800-2100 calories per day and Im not even considering cheating.

Love it

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Keto (Day 5): Just premade my week's food; and enjoyed an EPIC DINNER

I was wandering around Food Lion; taking time to check labels and learn different stuff. I never really did that before, which is exciting. 

I grabbed myself a pound of Beef stew tips from the meat section and knew I was going to have to make some epic meat for myself for dinner (being that I kinda skipped a "lunch")

Here's what I learned scouring through the 100s of sauces and stuff. Most of them are great for fat; but too high carb. I am even scared of 2g carbs in Ranch even though Ranch is generally known as keto friendly.

So I go to the asian section, I'm super curious about soy sauce. Lo and behold; Soy Sauce has 0 carbs. Fucking perfect.

So after making my 6 days of food, I portioned out out myself some broccoli and cheese and then whipped the pan out and made Soy Sauce Pan Seered Beef Tips. Rare and juicy. And ate the whole pound of it.

Im still way low on my carbs, under on my calories, barely under on my fats and just over my Proteins.

I should be full for quite a while with that meal; and it was beautiful.

And completely part of my diet :)

Keto Rocks kiddos; do your research


Keto Day(4).. I just don't understand...

I think the scales at my normal gym and this one are way different.

I got onto the scale today, 4 days into Keto, at the new gym; and the scale said 393.. (the fuck?) then after working out I got back on, it said 384. 

Something is wacky; I guess the one's in king are way the fuck off; as they said 391 on day one, and 370 my last weigh in. Idk...

Anyway. When I signed up with Planet Fitness they gave me the biggest shirt they had (2x)

When I got to Mooch's today I unwrapped it and said " i want before pictures with this shirt I can't fit; I wont stretch it, i'll just put it on as far as it will go."


Riiiiight. So this is the 2x shirt that I was going to have as my goal to fit; what the fuck? The scale says "Fucking huge" and I fit a 2x shirt, easily; No straining.

I know I'm big, but I'm so confused lol.

I guess I'm going to buy a 1x shirt now, with the goal to fit that sum'bitch by VapeMania in August.

And i bought 4x shirts for Color me Rad... dammit.


Friday, April 25, 2014

Double Post! What am I eating this first week of Keto?

For me; I had to make it simple. I had to be able to eat the same thing every day to maximize potential in ingredients and keep shopping lists low. I can't find my damn coffee maker, so coffee with heavy cream will be for when Im snacking (until I move and can find mine)


1. A dozen eggs.

2. A package of your favorite bacon.

This is for a week. I'm going to cook all the bacon, and split it into 6 equal portions. Then every day for breakfast ima heat it up and make 2 eggs scrambled. They suggest boiled; but last time I tried to eat a boiled egg; I puked from the SMELL.

I'll prepare in a pan the bacon, using butter as the heating agent. I may cook this each day; but I think pre-making will be better


Juicy Garlic Chicken Thighs served with Broccoli and Cheese.

1.    A 12 pack of boneless chicken thighs
2.    A bulb of garlic
3.    20 oz of frozen broccoli
4.    1.5 cups of shredded cheddar cheese.

Going to bake the chicken in water with garlic bulbs in it. I'll boil the broccoli. Then ill portion it into 6 tupper wear containers, chicken and broccoli, then cover the broccoli in cheese and cover it. Lunch for 6 days, boom.

No Shell Tacos

1.    2lbs of Ground Beef
2.    2 bottles of Taco Bell's Mild sauce (keto friendly)
3.    1 carton of sour cream
4.    1 small bag of shredded lettuce.
5.    3 medium sized tomatoes.
6.    Half an onion. (Optional)

Going to be browning the meat and mix it with 1 bottle of sauce. Most of the other stuff gets added the day I eat it; but I'll pre cook the meat and pre portion. Regular beef, not lean or extra lean; regular.

I don't know the full macros on this but it should be well under the 20g of net carbs that I'm shooting for. I also bought Pork Rinds, String Cheese, and Almonds for snacking to curb the appetite.

I will upload pictures of the cooked out meals. And I will be using My Fitness Pal to track it; calories are unimportant on Keto as long as the macros are right and I stay under 20g net carbs.

Eventually I will switch to 16 hour/8 Hour Intermittant fasting which will have me eating all my meals within 8 hours, and not eating the other 16 (including sleep).

Do your research! If you wanna do this, the meal plan I chose can be found here (

And I will be using this tracker: (

Lemme know!

(Day 43) Juicing and Life. How a 12 Day Plateau got me thinking...

So today is Day 43, and I have been stuck between 25-30lbs lost for almost 12 days. Maybe I'm just not juicing enough? Idk.

When I wake up tomorrow, I will be starting a new plan: Keto.

I have been spending the past 30 days researching the ins and outs, and I think for morbidly obese people such as myself, this is a perfect diet regimine. I went shopping today for a week's worth, and the food plus tupperwear came out to $72 bucks. Much cheaper then juicing, and it consists of amazing food.

If you are curious about it, check out Tons of info, progress pics, and such. I think it's just the way to go for a guy trying to retain muscle mass, and then build it.

I'm not going to publically post this to Facebook or anything, for those few who read this blog; That's what I have decided.

So When I start tomorrow, (Day 1) will be the new Title; and I will continue doing this blog.

Whatever it takes, fitness and health is my goal.

These are the Real results.


Friday, April 11, 2014

(Day 29) Why you should be weary of Juicing Bell Peppers

Normally, one would know that chili peppers, and other spicy foods can "burn" on the way out, right?

Well, take it from me, do not juice bell peppers (I use the orange ones) unless you are prepared. I was not prepared for the past 2 days, and I hope this is all over, because there is nothing more painful then non-solid waste that burns like fire.

Maybe that's TMI, but I thought you should know :-P

Tomorrow is Day 30, weigh in and such coming and maybe some 30 day comparison photos. I don't think I look like I've lost much, but we all know how personal perception is.


Here's to 31 more days of juicing!


Friday, April 4, 2014

(Day 22) Just Strained my Juice for the First Time, oh and 5K.

This evening when I get to the gym will be my Friday weigh in, and I'll be putting together my Vlog; we are just over a week away from being ONE month on this juicing thing.

So the pulpiness has really been an issue for me. The foam that the juicer creates and the pulp just really bother me on the way down.

So I got a strainer; I had about 10oz less of juice from my normal recipe; I had no idea how much of it was pulp and foam!

I'll be drinking those two jugs of juice throughout the day today, and will report back on any differences in taste, texture, ect.

Weigh in tonight!

I also signed up for a 5k in June today, the Color Me Rad run in Charlotte. I created a team (The TVA) and would love for any of you to be a part of it! (7 of you have already said you want in!)

It's a goal I have set for myself as of today: Run my first 5K in June.

Let's get it!

Monday, March 31, 2014

(Day 18) First Day in the Gym and a weigh in incase I forgot...And other Juicing decisions.

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy everybody!
Working out and Weigh In

It's your friendly neighborhood Freeze here! Got a lot to talk about while it's fresh on my mind.

Firstly,  I weighed myself today again, still 375 which is a total of 16lbs lost since I started. (That's about a pound a day) and that was with little to no movement. As of today, I'm back in the gym, and while I am super sore, I am super excited (and have a ton of energy right now) How much energy? I left the gym, went to Food Lion and grabbed some stuff and headed home, got home and just made a ton of juice for tonight/tomorrow.

Now I type this still sweating (from activity!) and about to go shower when I am done.

Today was chest day, and a childhood buddy of mine, Thomas, and I hit the gym. We have arranged to be workout partners, both of us are big guys and I find it's always motivating to work out with someone. Firstly, phew I was out of shape. We are doing our first 45 day rotation doing 5x5's, doing a similar schedule I did before:
Monday - Chest
Tuesday- Back
Wednesday - Leg
Thursday - Shoulder
Friday- Arm
Saturday and Sunday Hardcore Core.

I was most ashamed in my performance on the elliptical. Before, I could go 60 minutes, of HIIT no problem..

Today I did 6 minutes.

I know they say "start slow" but I wanted to gauge just how bad it was; and that's how bad it is.

However; I am not embarrassed overall, because I went to the gym and put in a workout. That's the most important part of the whole thing, and now my chest and arms are yelling at me while I try to type this!

New Decision on Juicing

After trying a bunch of recipes, and doing tons of studying, I have now decided on doing one juice all the time, and it's a Mean Green hybrid I created.

I make 100oz or so at a time (I have two 52oz Bubba kegs I fill up, thats about a day day/half worth).

My new recipe (amounts not included, as I went with this mix until I had filled both of the kegs)

1 Orange Bell Pepper
Some grapes
1 Lemon

After attempting a bloody mary the other day, I grew to enjoy the pepperyness in the juice, and studying the high benefits, so I figured, lemme remove celery which is a lot of water, and add pepper. Then add broccoli and asparagus (lots of great nutrients)

This is the first time I have made this recipe, so it's in the fridge now, and after my shower I will be giving it a go!

Controlling the Hunger and Chewing needs.

I decided to buy sugar free gum at the store tonight, and I am chewing away while I type this. I think this may just help me with appetite suppression and the need to chew. I'll get back to you on it.

I also decided after numerous hours of research on Juicing and such, to purchase Fish Oil. So the suppliments I am now taking are:

Men's One A Day
Fish Oil

And Protein Shake after my workout (1 scoop of Nectar with water which is 23g protein, 0 carb, 0 sugar)

And that's just a little update since I didn't get yall a VLog this past week!


PS If you want to juice and lose weight, hit me up and lemme know. I have a few people who have started this journey with me, who have taken before photos. We can do this. Together.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

(Day 16) Scale Update and Random Facts on Juicing.

Today I weighed myself, and I'm down right at about 15lbs. So about a pound a day, although with the caloric deficit I imagined it would be more, it doesn't discourage me; it encourages me to do more!

That being said let's talk about some things that I have experienced in 16 days of juicing.

1) I already notice more energy when I am awake, can stand up longer, move more, ect. The night before I started my brother in law and I hit up walmart for my first round of supplies and I had to sit down to take a break. That was not the case yesterday when I went and shopped for more stuff.

2) I crash twice a day, and when I do, I crash hard. I get so exhausted so fast; when it hits me I'm out. Instead of sleeping 8 hours at night, I have been more on a pass out and nap for 5 hours twice a day. It's strange, but once I get up I feel very refreshed; which must be a good thing.

3) My feet still swell but not nearly as bad. That's a big one for me.

4) I crave water like it's going out of style and haven't even thought about soda at all this entire time. My big thing has been wanting to eat something, the soda battle was easily won.

5) Certain hygenic actions are easier then they were before I started.

6) I feel slightly more confident in myself. I have had to defend the juicing thing a few times and here's my standard answer:
"I know I didn't gain it over night and know I wont lose it over night. What I decided was that to get drastic lifestyle results I had to make a drastic lifestyle change." The end.

Anyways, Im holding off on a V-Log this week; next weeks will have stuff from Yoga and gyming in it.

Until next time

Thursday, March 27, 2014

(Day 14) This guy is an inspiration..

His (/u/Humansharpei) story from reddit:
"I have had problems with weight my entire life. Shortly after graduating high school I developed problems with anxiety and depression. I began to remove myself from the outside world. I lived online. My weight ballooned to over 500 pounds. I was 26 and I had never had a real job or a real girlfriend. I had given up.
In February 2010 I had a chest pain and it terrified me. So I kinda went nuts and dropped everything cold turkey. Canceled the World of Warcraft account, drastically reduced the way I was eating, etc. I still have no idea what the pain was it might have been indigestion. But it did the trick.
Three and a half years later I had lost very nearly 300 pounds. I got down to 215. I didn't have any surgery or take any pills (not to down anyone who has just telling my story). Since then I have just been trying to maintain. I got a job along the way. And I have another job now. A job where I walk and lift for ten hours a day. I met a wonderful girl and have been with her now for nearly a year. Currently I weigh somewhere between 225 and 230. I have gained a bit just due to losing focus and going out more to eat as a result of the relationship.
As far as pictures go I don't have anything from when I weighed 500+ as you might imagine I had become rather camera shy. One album shows a picture from each of my last four birthdays. The other is just general pictures trying to show contrast between the way I was and am now.
Also: I should mention I do have quite a lot of loose skin. I am doubtful I will ever be in the position financially to get it removed. I am trying to come to grips with it and accept it. My girlfriend is amazing and says she loves me like I am and thinks I am handsome. But yes it is a major side effect of the weight loss."

Here's his album.

I'll tell you, seeing success stories like this really continues to inspire me to do this thing.

The demon of hunger roars heavily at night, but reading things like this really remind me that anyone can do this, even those like me who haven't known a skinny day in my life.

Keep pressing on.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Day(10) Tomorrow Is Monday. DDP Yoga Begins

DDP Yoga. You heard it right. Ex-Wrestler creates program so he can wrestle again after breaking his L4 and L5 verts.

Now Mooch and I are doing this, he has already started, and I begin day 1 tomorrow.

So my days will be 10 days off.

Day 11 of Juicing is Day 1 of Yoga, and so forth.

For the DDP Yoga Website, they asked us to take 6 specific before pictures, so here is the Collage of mine:

The point of taking these 6 pictures is to track not just weight loss progress, but also flexibility and other fun stuff. Every 30 days these will be taken for 13 weeks.

I will be incorporating a normal weight lifting regimine into this either after 60 days of juicing, or during the process; either way I start with Yoga tomorrow.

As DDP would say...


Saturday, March 22, 2014

(Day 9) V-Log and Weigh in

As you can see from the video, the first week was interesting.

I only lost 6 pounds.

So pushing forward now the DDP Yoga and the gym. I picked up my favorite Protein yesterday (Nectar) so I'm ready to rock and roll.

If only this juice would taste better AND keep me from thinking about other food CONSTANTLY.

It's a struggle yall.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

(Day 6) Lesson Learned: You Can't Juice Avocado

I am one of those rare fat people who absolutely love things like Avocados. I used to make a banging Avocado Ranch dressing for pairing with Chicken that was absolutely amazing.

So last night I'm making my juice for the next 3 days, and I go to add an Avocado (removed skin and pit) and threw it in the juicer on low.. nothing came out.

Today I did some research, and found out that in fact, the Avocado can't be juiced. Damnit.

The Avocado is one of the healthiest fruits in the world, with pretty much every essential nutrient, and all the good fats, and is known to help lower your cholesterol. The solution everyone suggests: use a blender.

So I guess I need to go thrift shopping and find myself a cheap blender, so that I can juice my juice, then throw it into a blender and add an Avocado.

Anyways, My first weigh in will be Friday, we will see what one week of this diet has done; I have remained somewhat inactive during this first week; but now I am starting to feel some energy coming back and I think I can start doing some working out.

Here's to 54 more days!


Sunday, March 16, 2014

(Day 2) Mysteries of the Red Poop.

I just titled that to be fun. Although try a juice diet, and spend the first day doing a couple red Beet juices and report back to me!

Anywho. Today the headaches were less, but the cravings and hunger pains were more. I found myself trying to reason to eat an Apple even after I had juiced.

So I got to researching, and a lot of people have had equal to, if not more, success by having 2-3 juices a day and like a salad of kale and such for dinner. It got me thinking; IF my resolve gets tested again, maybe ill just eat some kale leaves to curb the appetite. They say as long as its fruits and veggies, then it doesn't break the diet.

But I will juice as much as I humanly can, as disgusting as it can be some times. Yes; I have found 90% of the juices I have tried to be gross and taste like grass. Apparently it "grows on you"

We shall see!

I've noticed I was less sleepy tired today but more physically tired.

I just want to shout and thank all of those who have messaged me with support and making sure Im keeping up with it. Some of you have been juicing and such for a while and some havent; either way, thank you so much. I really do appreciate it.

I ran out of raspberries today, and I discovered that the type of juicer I have just doesnt juice them well. I did some research, and the most expensive ones are really the only ones that can juice berries right.

One of the people who messaged me has been doing this almost 2 years; and he said it's not about juicing for 60 days, its about changing your lifestyle. He's absolutely right.

I wanna be the guy who orders a salad when you order a teriaychi steak!

Here's to day 3 and hopefully the last day of suffering (yea right!)


Friday, March 14, 2014

(Day 1) Finally, the 3rd juice of the Day Doesn't Taste Like Ass

Started out this morning with the Morning Red Riser; and maybe I made it wrong; but it tasted disgusting and took me an hour to sip it down.

Second meal was the Mean Green. Again; tasted disgusting. So Grassy. Took another 45 min, I finally said fuck it and chugged it.

This one, though, this 3rd one is called "Grape Yum" (thats my name for it, I dont remember the recipe name for which I found it)

It consists of:
1/2 head of red cabbage
1 cup of grapes
1 green apple
It also supposed to have a fennel bulb (1/2) but i couldnt find them in the store so i threw in a celery.

This tastes way more yummy This is one I could drink every day all day.

Now: Side effects

Already have the massive headache. It's rediculous, I usually was only eating once a day and never got these headaches, so it's gotta be the caffiene or just the positive nutrients filling my body.

Also: been hella tired, I already napped today.

I got nautious before and after the mean green.

And this one was strange: I have been cold all day. Literally have spent all day in a hoodie, sweat pants, fluffy shoes. Like, cold.

As far as water i think im up to about 68oz of water today, and Im just now about to finish my 3rd juice (drinking now).

Day 1 has been a success. I knew that temptations to eat other shit would never, and wont be a problem. It's the tastes of these juices and the headache. I know those go away after 3-4 days so I'll be straight.

We got this :)

I also found out my buddy Andrew is going to follow me on this journey, he already has a juicer so he is starting tomorrow and will be one day behind me.

He did a 30 day of this I think he said last year, and lost 50 lbs. He didn't even 100% juice. He would have a kale salad when he felt hungry sometimes.


Here's to 59 more!

Here is V-Log Number 1!


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Weighed in tonight...

So because my at home scale is rated for up to 400, I really thought the "E" i was getting meant I was over 400; but low and behold, I weigh


When I started my journey the first time I was 380ish, so since I quit 3 years ago I have gained about 100 pounds.

Here's my goal then:

50 pounds in 60 days to get to 340.

Then by then end of August I wanna be at 100 total lost (so 291)

My ultimate weight loss goal is to be anywhere between 200-240. I think thats a good weight for a guy like me, with my build, at 6 foot.

My first vlog will be up soon! I'll share it here when it's ready.

Tomorrow is Day 1 and I got all my stuff today!

That's an entire week's worth of food for juicing. ONE WEEK. Lordy this is gonna be fun!


Was Overwhelmed: Reevaluated the Menu for Week 1.

So having all those recipes for one week was quite, over whelming. I realized shopping for that would be rediculous, so I decided to back off the cliff a little and break it down to 4 recipes for the week.

I have been doing a ton of research, and for those losing weight they say to do the recommended 64 oz, but that they suggest going over too (so as not to go into hybernation/starvation mode.) They have also suggested for those doing LONG fasts (longer then 10-14 days) should be taking Iron and Protein replacements as not to become anemic; so I am adding those to my shopping list.

As far as activity, I will be doing DDP Yoga for the entire 60 days with this diet. I don't have a per-se weight loss goal for this first 60 days; But I will be going to Fitness 2000 tomorrow to join and weigh myself on a real scale.

I have seen a lot of males lose anywhere from 35-65lbs in that time frame, so I will say my goal is 50lbs in the 60 day time frame. When I have my Day 0 weight I will post it.

Here's the updated menu this week:

Feel free to leave comments, questions, and encouragement!

Let's do this. Tracking says Juicer will be here tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a day of shopping, prepping, and getting ready to begin this bad boy FRIDAY morning! (use the weekend to get over the 3 day fuck-me hump)


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Planning Week 1: Whoa That's A LOT of Shit.(materials)

I am sure that as I get better at this, consolidating and such will become easier. I am vastly overwhelmed in my mind at the large amount of ingredients needed for 1 week (if my scheduling is done correctly, but then again, I didn't do the same juice too many times)

I have spent that last 24 hours since purchasing my juicer online, researching recipes, how to's, what to expects, and so much more.

The general consensus is that you should intake 4 of these 16oz drinks a day for 64 oz of juice, and at least 64 oz of water with it.

I scoured 100s of recipes, and found about 20 that really tickled my fancy. Some are meant for the morning (since with juicing you are also cutting out caffiene); some are meant for later meals, and some are just for funzies. Here's a snap shot of ONE week of my schedule, and the list of materials to make this schedule happen:

Yeh, Maybe I am trying to do too many flavors at one time? Maybe the point is to do like just a few different ones a week so you can buy more of the materials in bulk? I have no idea honestly, I can't seem to find a definitive answer.

So what are some of these recipes?
Here's the Warrior Princess

Here's the Big Green Hulk

These are just 2 examples of what these juice "meals" will be.

I have also been looking at side effects and such, and with the lack of sugar and caffiene, I imagine I will be tired the first few days and cranky. I hope not, but that's whats expected.

I also plan on implementing a protein shake during the day somewhere once the Yoga and excersize picks up. I found out there is a 24 hour Fitness 2000 up here in King, so I plan on going there sometime today and finding out how much a membership is; and I'll prolly go ahead and sign up if I can use the Clemmons one too (never know when you might move)

Anywhoo, the support I have recieved is overwhelming, and I cannot thank you all enough. I am going to do this; and having your support just makes me wanna do it harder (TWSS)

Now the damn wait time for this juicer to get here... I honestly can't wait..


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

6 Things That Fat People Are Embarrassed to Admit that Are Harder For Us To Do.

Anyone who knows me, knows I am at no lack of confidence in who I am. It doesn't change the fact that I want to be healthier by any means; but here are some facts about being fat that I hate. The point of this is to look back and say, "Nope. Not a problem anymore." Or so other people like me can think to themselves "Yes, I do have issues with that.. thanks for relating"

I have scoured forums and posts all over the internet, and no one seems to ever put this out there. Here are things I have noticed about myself that are harder for me to do; that I would never ever feel comfortable telling people. This list is embarrassing, but it is factual. If you are big, or were, did you find these activities difficult as well?

1) Putting on shoes. Seriously, I have the most trouble in the world tying my shoes, but even then, with the feet swelling stuff, putting them on is painful and difficult. I get winded trying, and usually resort back to flip flops. (oh, that's why he wears flip flops year round... ding ding ding)

2) Cutting my toe nails. I had to basically beg my sister to cut my nails 2 weeks ago because I just, can't.

3) Wiping your butt. No, it's not impossible to do and no, we dont have crudd butt; but it is a task like no other, especially on certain shaped toilets. I have noticed this over the years, and will refrain from using any toilet I know to have been super difficult. No, I am not exaggerating. It can be a pain in the ass (pardon the pun)

4) Sitting comfortably on a couch. I have noticed that getting comfortable on a couch is tough for me, I assume it is the same for many fat people.

5) Taking great showers. I never scrub my feet, I just cant. That's just one thing that is more difficult as a fat person and showering.

6) Driving. I think it's more to do with the loss of circulation in the feet and the swelling, but sitting too long in a chair, and in a car, is painful and uncomfortable. Getting out to take a stretch break is bad too.

As I think of more, I will add they come to me. Of course, living with constant plumber's crack doesn't make the list, it is a daily battle!

Now: let's talk about the benefits of losing weight to these 6 negatives of being fat.

1) Holy shit I can wear shoes again
2) I can keep my nails clean and sexxy
3) Wiping is just like breathing or taking a sip of water!
4) I can do push ups on the couch if I want to, and be comfortable doing so
5) Super fresh and super clean
6) I could drive around the country

Juicer shipped already! If you have Juicing recipes, throw them my way!

I Said That I Am Going to do This. Here Is the Proof.

There it is folks, proof and receipt that I purchased a juicer this morning.

I am going to do a 60 day juice fast.

I had to come to terms with a few things over the past 24 hours that really made me decide that it is time to stop fucking playing around.

1) I have been willing and done so on multiple occasions to spend more then this amount on Vape Gear like it's nothing.

2) My feet swell so badly daily, and my toes will tingle in numbness.

3) I can't stand for more then 30 minutes without my lower back killing me. Having a job that had me sitting down for so long has really taken it's toll.

4) My great uncle's heart attack last week.

I hate, hate, hate, that it is taking situational occurances to encourage me to restart this journey; but dammit I guess whatever it takes right? I have decent control on most of the things in my life except this one damn thing, and I am sick of it.

I have always been the guy who achieves any and everything I want to do. My Weight has been the single exception to this rule, and it's time to overcome. I have proven time and time again to myself and those that know me, of my will to do anything; and it's time to stop making excuses. I'm going to pause this right now and go take shirtless pictures in my bathroom *whistles*

Why? Because being public about this will keep me accountable. Just like last time. But guys, I NEED your help. I need you to be there for me, be my rock. Keep me accountable and keep me motivated. I'm coming to you ALL. I spend so much time motivating others and being the rock for others, I am begging for you all to do so for me. I honestly feel in my soul, that my life depends on it. That is not a hyperbole.

I will also try to weigh myself, but last time I tried ( a few weeks ago), my digital scale wouldn't even weigh me (yeh, it's like that)

Be right back...

So yeh Here I am in my fully exposed glory. No hiding behind anything. This makes me sad when I look at pictures I took after losing a shit ton of weight before:
Here were my feet after I had lost 90 Lbs last time:

And here is a comparison of me before:

Now, if you didn't know my story you know some of it now. You can go back through this blog and find out more!

So what happens after I get done with my 60 day juice fast?

I have an intense diet in this blog I did before that worked amazing, and I will be going back to that, as well as all the work out stuff I was doing before. The 60 day fast is a way for me to jump start my metabolism, cleanse my body, and allow me to lose some weight so I can actually excersize. I will be working on doing Yoga, but if all I can do is walk every day, then I'm going to do that; you gotta start somewhere.

Comment below! Let me know what you think.

As always,