Monday, March 26, 2012

What Better Motivation, Knowing you Motivated!?

This is one of those times where you suddenly feel like a million dollars.

I didn't make my sister get in the gym. I didn't make her decide to change her life. But somehow, without knowing it, I inspired her to be a better person. It's something PARENTS yearn to do, but often fall short of. However, knowing I didn't just inspire some person, but my sister, is definitely a heart felt compliment that comes at such a perfect time.

It's times like this, where one can be reminded that they are doing it right. That they are living the best life they can, and are making moves towards goals and achievements. My sister and I were cursed with the family genes of being fat. Our entire family is over weight, and most are obese. It's not me judging them, but it IS the truth. It's our genetics. Rhiannon is doing what I have been working to do, and she has done it faster, and that is to prove the genetic and family codes wrong.

My sister was the skinniest girl when we were young. I was ALWAYS the fat one, but it wasnt until she became a teenager that she actually got big. The gene crept on her slow. And she, at 21, has finally done what I, and most of my family has failed to do: Be thin.

I am so proud of her and what she has done, and in motivating her and seeing this, I become more motivated in my own goals.

Now if only I could marry a chick in the military and get all my meals sent to me :-P

With love and respect and determination,

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and the Hungry!

The good news; I have already lost 5 pounds in the first week back to my dieting and stuff. I cant scoff at almost a pound a day, and I know its gonna fall off much quicker this time around, since I have retained most of my muscle memory.

I have a potential new job. Waiting on all of the back ground checks, ect. With the new job, it will include a LOT of walking, which is a nice addition, since for the past 5 years my job has been mostly low-moving.

Being back in the gym feels great, eating better fells great, except that I am ALWAYS hungry :/ Its going to be a tough few weeks while my stomach re-shrinks to be ok with such small meals such as the packets of tuna, or what have you.

The truth is, yeh i lost 5 lbs this week, but I could have lost more. I could have worked harder, I could have burned more.

And I will!

Since my last post, I went on a I Used to Be Fat binge. I had never really seen that show, but I watched A LOT of it the past week or so. To see kids who have horrible work ethics and complaining problems achieve significant weight loss makes it that much more simple, in my mind, to me....

And jealous at the same time.

Kids losing 100+lbs in 90 days! I mean, really? This kid Jose from this past season lost 116lbs in 90 days. It makes me wish I had the 6-8 hours a day to work out with no work responsibility like them. But since I don't, I understand that that amount of weight loss is unrealistic in such a small time frame for me.

But it doesnt mean I wont achieve it!

Here's to all of you with goals, let's get it done this year!

And until that day, im still going to be hungry!