Monday, November 10, 2014

Home Scale finally worked.

I know I haven't gone into detail here on what happened. But in late August I got Gout.

It scared me so I went off Keto.

I started back last week.

Now, up until today my scale wouldn't read me, it was just saying Error.  But today it finally read out...


So i gained like, 35 pounds in 2 months (probably more, this week of Keto i've already started feeling better)

It's a journey. I'm not gonna let things side track me any more. Let's go


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Bacon Xxplosion

Shit you will need:

26 pieces of bacon. I bought Hormal Black label Maple Bacon.
16 oz Jimmy Deans Sausage ( i chose Mild)
I did 8 oz of Publix Colby Jack cheese (you can use whatever)

Here's the TOTAL nutritional value (before breaking into servings)

I would say this needs to be broken up into 3 servings or more; depending on your macros and such for sure.

So here We go!

First things first: Weave 5 by 6 bacon (after making this I realized I had more room to weave)

Also: You should have clear wrap and aluminum foil, which I did not have.

So back the 5 x 6 bacon for 10-15 minutes at 400 degrees

While the bacon cooks, take the sausage and make it into a square like so.

When the bacon is done, put it on top of the sausage like so.

I used colby jack but you can use whatever. Cut it (I could have gone thinner) and cover the area up. Then, start rolling using a Sushi method of using the paper to roll, then bringing the paper back to continue rolling. 

I should have let the bacon cool first before starting this process; because the sausage got hella greasy.

This is the rolled sausage. I put that in the fridge to calm down while I made the outer bacon weave.

Outer bacon weave, 7 x 8 on the bacon this time, and turned at a diamond shape when I was done.

Place the sausage roll like so. I could have gotten mine tighter had i had clear wrap and aluminum foil. Lesson learned.

Here is the rolled product, ready for the oven. 400 degrees, for 1 hour. 

And the final product after and hour in the oven. Let it set for about 5 minutes and rest, then cut into that sunuvabitch! (I wish it was tighter and that cheese hadn't seemed out the middle, but what can you do?

And this is what it looks like after taking a slice.

I cut into 3 parts so the one meal nutrition is this:

So there you have it. I have a daily limit of 1800 calories; so this is perfect after a Intermittent fast day.

I'm about to eat the hell out of this, I put the other 2 pieces in tupperware for later days.


Keep calm and keto on
