Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Back Legs and Cardio For the win!

As this month winds down I begin to breathe easier.

Why? Because the habits have been created, the motivation remains, and I still press forward!

My eating is immaculate (except for 1 dinner in a week where i enjoy something other than my normal diet. But do trust, I stick to similar principles when dining out, ask Meredith if you so choose, she was THERE)
My workouts burn more and more.
I Sweat more and more.

Now its time to start seeing some results! I honestly cant wait until Friday morning when I weigh in and measure myself. Although in all honesty, I dont think the scale will have reflected much of a difference (since I spent the first half of the month doing MASS building workouts... until I got properly EDUCATED)

But I think the tape will tell a different story. And at the end of the day, The mirror and tape are more important than the scale, for sure.

Its awesome to also see some of my friends, either inspired by me and my journey, or not; Join the gym and make commitments to change their lives in a more healthy way!

Shoutouts to Seth, Nicole and Brandon, and Stacey. Im glad you guys signed up at the Rush and I hope to see you in there sweating it out with me. All of you except Seth. Hope the new diet you're on and workout regime Im helping you with, get you physical growth and results that YOU want!

Anyways, yesterday was Back, and today was legs. Did pretty much the same things as last time. Except threw in a little "give 'em hell" on the cardio.

What was the most awesome, was Coach Matt was putting someone else through one of his workouts, and I just so happened to be on the Cybex machine next to them. I couldnt hear them, but during the excersing when I hit MAX SPEED and it started beeping, I could see his face in amusement, and he clapped. LMAO Talk about embarrassment! But the point was is that I was busting my ass on something he showed me, while he was showing someone else. They got to see what it looked like to take something you are taught, and owning it.

He had nothing but praise to give me afterwords. How he loved my attitude and dedication, and was taking in EVERYTHING I learned and using it. Feels good man.

Anyways, Tomorrow is my LAST workout day before Friday, Friday, when I gotta weigh in on Friday.

Wish me luck!
PS Feel free to refer others to this blog, I would love to MOTIVATE MORE PEOPLE!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hell Week Shoulder day!

Mondays are my day off, and thus, I find myself being lazy. Today was different.

After I got up and going (while maintaining my diet), I cleaned the room, the bathroom, vaccumed, ect. Cooked my weeks worth of food today, ect.

And hit the gym.
Started with 8 minutes on the Cybex machine, getting sweaty and getting my heart rate up.
Then did
Inclined Bench: 25lbs for 3 sets, 40, 50, 30, strange, I know.
Regular Bench: 25lbs for 3 sets of 50, 40 , 40
On cables high to low, 10lbs 3 sets of 50
From low to high, 5lbs 3 sets of 50
Mid: 10lbs 3 sets of 50
Burnout presses on the press machine: 30lbs for 60 20lbs for 50.

Then got BACK on the Cybex machine and hit 14 minutes.

All in all, solid workout day for sure, cant wait for back day tomorrow, and more cardio! The 1st is just around the corner, and while I feel the weight might not have dropped much, if at all, I think my measurements WILL show an improvement.

Get stoked, get motivated, get excited.

And then, Get it DONE!

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Weekend.. followed by Hell Week!

Ok, so this past weekend was iffy, and Im really beating myself up about it as a whole.

Friday, I ended up working pretty late and didnt even get into the gym :/ Im allowed a rest day, so I just took it then.

Saturday I did get in for a 30-45 minute long Arm routine. Did my 4 different excersises for bicepts, and 4 more for tri's, But did minimal cardio.

Sunday I got in around 7 and did something a little different. As you have read, last sunday was Rush Hour, and it kicked my ass.

So I did my own 30 minute version today. Started with 6 minutes on the Cybex machine, then layed down with a 10 lb ball and did some ab work. Then stacked 4 high one of those stepping things and did some different work with that. Went down to the weight area and did some weighted crunches, left side, right side, and mid. Then went back up and did some more on the Step thing. Grabbed the half/ball balance things, did some squats on those, and ended with 7 more minutes on the Cybex machine. All in all it wasnt horrrrrible. But I could have done more.

Why did I title this partially "Hell Week".

Well April 1st is Friday, thats the day im weighing in and measuring. So this week leading up to it im going to be pushing myself harder, and farther, than before.

Im going to begin my workouts with 6-10 minutes on the cybex machine, THEN do my weights, then finish it off BACK on the cybex machine for 6-10 more minutes.

The good thing I noticed yesterday is my heart rate really never went back to rest after I got off of the Cybex machine and started doing other excersises, so Im hoping by "warming up" via my heavy cardio, that I can get more burn out of my weight routine, and hopefully, burn more FAT.

I guess we'll see on the 1st, when I measure in and see just what this past month has done for me.

Until next time

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shoulders and Cardio!

Shoulder day is my hardest, and thus I do the lower weights, Some might say "well thats stupid" but trust me, if you are battling a constant battle of "is my shoulder going to dislocate again!?!?" like me, then you'll do it this way until you can really feel it strengthing up.

Anyways I started with
Seated Bench: 10lbs 3 sets of 50
Then lateral raises: 5 lbs 2 sets 50
I dont know what this next one is called. But you Hold the weights straight out in front of you by just bending your elbow, arms straight down, bend elbow until arms are at 90 degrees, then twist them outwards. Its something I learned in Rehab back when I first injured it. I did this 5lbs 2 sets of 50.
Then I got on the cables
over head wing span pull backs: 3lbs 3 sets of 30. I couldnt get past 30, my shoulder was BURNING and subluxing slightly.
Wing span raises: 3lbs 3 sets of 30. Same thing started happening.
Then I did Shrugs: 2 sets of 50, holding for 10 seconds after every 10 reps. 70lbs first time, 110 lbs second time.

Then I got on the Cybernex machine or w/e its called and did 20 minutes of Coach Matt's intervals. Michael Jackson's Black or White came on for my last minute of high speed high resistance, and I busted out max speed on that bad boy. hahaha It was awesome.

To those of you who are planning on joining the Rush, hit me up first. I want to make sure you talk to the best there. Nate will sign you up, and hook you up with the "Freeze's Friend Special" then I want you to meet Coach Matt. An ex gymnist, who graduated from Ohio State, and was going for the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, when he broke his kneck during some fun practice time. He was unable to walk for 6 months, and ended up swelling up to around 270 lbs. Hes about 5'6. So you can imagine how BIG he was. When I am at his weight then, I will have lost 100 lbs. CRAZY!

Anyways, this guy is known as the King of Cardio, and the title belongs to no one else but him. I am guaranteeing to myself when I measure myself on the 1st that I will have lost some inches for sure. And maybe some lbs. Either way, now that he has shown me how to do TRUE cardio, I expect the weight to start falling off rapidly.

This is the guy you want for YOU. He pushes, pushes, pushes, and he does it in a way that really does make you push. He doesnt just say "there ya go, you can do another one buddy!" at least, not to me he didnt. Somehow, with only having talked to me about 30 minutes total, knew that I needed to be screamed at. Yelled at. Told I couldnt do it. Or at least, told that he didnt THINK I could do it. Like i said on my post for Sunday, I looked him square and said DONT tell me what i CANT do.

I hope that everyone of you can have the same mentality. DONT TELL ME WHAT I CANT DO.

Because when you go to DO IT. And you succeed. They will ALL have to eat their words! And thats a GOOD thing!

Yours in this Journey,

Why Doing At Home workout videos is Stupid.

Alot of people ask this question, and I tend to agree.

We've all seen it, wether as an infomercial or through some other get results fast search on google. P90x, Brazilian Buns (i tried this, didnt like it enough. I felt like Beyonce after 6 weeks.... ok im kidding) and other "work from home without the high cost gym memberships" blah blah blah bullshit.

For example: p90x costs 139.99 for 90 days (3 months) That doesnt factor in, that for that workout DVD set you need to buy resistance bands or dumbells (resistance bands, the crappy ones, are 14.99 at walmart) and you need a pull up bar (one that can support 90% of the people who have seen the infomercial is gonna run close to 100) And they suggest a workout/yoga mat. Another 20 right there. Besides that, you have extra cost of electricity, and your house will smell like sweat. Add it up, thats 255 dollars JUST to get started. That doesnt include suppliments, a right diet, ect.

And lets be honest, is Tony Horton really going to Motivate you from a tv screen? You can rest any time you want, thus not getting the full workout it.

Honestly, lets just discuss the meaning of Insanity. One of my favorite questions to hear from my dear friend Mooch when we are discussing some things. What is the definition of Insanity? Well its doing the same thing over, and over again, expecting different results!

Let me ask you this, are you going to a gym everyday right now? I bet 90% of you say no. Ok. got it.

Now how many of you, when done with work, spend the rest of your time at home doing something OTHER than working out? Id say 75% of you say yes to this. Those that dont are musicians or Neighborhood Joggers.

Ok. So let me ask you this, how easy would it be to buy all this crap, dvds, ect, to workout at home, and then just set them in a closet until they collect dust and you craigslist it for 50 bucks? Exactly, extremely easy. Why?

Well you are still at home! You are remaining within your comfort zone. Its easy to continue browsing the internet or watching shows, its conveinent. You are already there, watching shows. You 9/10 times will go, oh, I have the dvds for p90x, i can do them anytime.

But you never do!

Part of the trick of becoming healthier, becoming better, and seeing results is to get OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! Therefore, you have less excuses. How easy it to be at the gym, working out, and just stop to watch some tv for 30 minutes because General Hospital is on? Not very easy, honestly. They dont play that show, at least, I havent seen it when ive been there.

The point Im making, is Convienece is what makes humans unhealthy and gross. Is it easier to cook a meal, or go to a drive thru? Obviously the less healthy, MORE CONVIENT thing to do is go grab some Burger King. And thats a horrible decision.

Lets be honest, The Rush is like 35 dollars a month, max. For a single user. The diet I am currently on (and yes I realize its not for everyone) costs me 40 bucks a week. or 160 bucks a month. On my health I spend 195. Most of you, in a week, will spend close to that on soda and fast food, without ANY excersize. Dont believe me? Pull up your bank statement from last month and go through the eating out and fast food transactions and add it up. I bet it trumps, for the month, my number by 3 times. (There will be a FEW exceptions to this, but again, thats FEW)

So is going to the gym worth it? ONLY if you are serious. If you plan on continuing the same habits of eating, then yes, the extra 35 dollars would seem uneccessary. Then again, going to the gym while still eating like a pig would be pointless AND insane! (Doing the same thing in order to get different results)

Mooch said to me one time, and continues to say it, and I continue to pass it on because it means so much, he said "Remember this Freeze, Doing what you have always done will get you what you have always gotten"

And its true. Do you want to lose weight and get healthy? Do you really want to change your lifestyle. Well doing what you always do will heed NO RESULTS. And thats why so many people complain about workout videos, and at home ab machines and treadmills in their garage, all of which get little to NO use. You might feel better about yourself making the purchase, but in the end it is an expense that just makes no sense. You're NOT going to get results on it, because you continue to hold the same habits in other aspects of your life.

If right now you enjoy playing video games more than 2 hours a night, eat fast food at least 3 times a week, and watch at least an hour of TV a night, then you are doing it WRONG. And it doesnt matter how many ab crunches you do while dancing to Richard Simmons. You will not see ANY results. Period. This is scientifically proven. Its FACT.

So, if you are serious about doing something different. About really making a change, I implore you to sign up at a gym. Free advice and counseling is part of what you pay for (at least at the Rush I am at) and thus, you get way more for your money.

Im not saying come sign up where I work out (although if you are close to the Rush near me, ill be glad to put you in contact with someone who will take care of you, as a friend of mine), but Im saying go out and DO IT.

Only YOU can make the change, not Tim Horton. Not Richard Simmons. Not Shaun T. YOU.

So if you are ready to make the decision, or thinking about it. STOP

STOP thinking, and do. Make decisions, and do them. Great words of advice from my friend Mooch again. See, that guy does care!

Any questions, feel free to ask.
Your neighborhood friend
The Motivation
Just kidding im not on Jersey Shore, so
The Freeze.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Motivation And Leg Day!

Today I got this message, I am going to keep it anonymous for sure (Please dont be mad, but I HAD to talk about it!)

"Hey, God its been forever. How are you? I cant believe its been as long as it has. Ive been reading your blog and keeping up with the facebook status'. I think your doing a great thing and you've really inspired me to work on myself. Ive gained alot of weight with both kids and Im ready to loss it but not really sure where to start. Can you help?"

Miss Anonymous, I surely can! See, as one becomes motivated to do something new, something different, something crazy, the world opens up to a whole new slew of things. For example, recently quite a few people I know are asking me for help, advice, and all sorts of things. I cant say I hate it!

Anonymous, my first thing of advice for you is to read my last blog where I outline the 5 principles posted on the wall at the Rush:
1) Motivation
2) Education
3) Determination
4) Vissualization

These key principles have never meant more to me than recently, so I say start there. Ask yourself, "Am I motivated?" If so... why? Is it the fact that youve gained weight from having children? Is it because you want to be healthy? Is it because you want to fit in bikini size you havent been able to wear in years? It doesnt matter WHAT it is, as long as the motivation is there. It is the FIRST step and MOST important. Without it you will get no where.

What was mine? I have a few. I want to be smaller than I have been ever in my whole life. As you know, as well as everyone reading this, I have been big my ENTIRE life. I used to use excuses like: its genetics. BULL SHIT. The only reason I was as big as I was was because of ME! I did it to myself.

Remember this: It took (for me) 22 years to get myself to 370, its not gonna come off over night. Use that as a reminder to help you get through frustrating times, its helped me tremendously.

Other motivations: Health. Obviously. Being a smoker doesnt help, and I will quit that too. I have a daughter to live for. I want to be a grandad, and maybe a great grandad one day. I was blessed that ALL of my GREAT grandparents were alive most of my life, and when i was 2 I still had a GREAT GREAT grandma! My great grandma is STILL alive. in her 90s. Its in my family to live long, but I can never get there by being my old self. I had to change.,

ANother motivation is I want to be able to go to regular clothing stores and buy clothes. I dont want to go to specialty stores, Big And Tall sections, ect. The styles are sub par and selection is limited. I want to be able to dress HOWEVER I want. And shop WHEREever I want!

If you have these motviations, then you WILL succeed. You cant just do it because someone says you need to. Your doctor might say "you have higher risks for blah blah blah', but does that REALLY motivate you? 9/10 times the answer is NO.

I get told everyday I need to quit smoking. I will NEVER be able to quit unless I am MOTIVATED to do so. Unless I decide that I am going to do it. It is how I quit soda.

For you anonymous, I say start there. I quit soda, and sugary stuff and started drinking 64+ ounces of water a day, and saw 30 lbs drop without working out. I say that is the best way to begin, start in small steps. For me, I put down soda's one day and never picked them back up. No weining, no slowly coming off. I just said NO.

I hope this somehow motivates you to begin your journey. I say take pictures, make a blog, Ill follow you! Putting it out into the world is a HUGE motivator. Every day when I am at the gym I say to myself "if I dont give it my all, if I dont succeed, then I let down EVERY friend of mine on facebook, because they ALL know what I am doing"

And I push harder.

As far as normal readers: Today was leg day
Squats: 80 lbs 50 reps then 70 lbs 30 reps x 2. By the end i was exhausted
Leg curls: 30 lbs 2 sets of 50 After this my legs were jello
Hip ad/abductions 3 sets each of 20lbs 50 reps
Calf lifts 3 sets of 50 at 50lbs.

Then I got on the elliptical and did the excersise Coach Matt maid me do on Rush hour. And in 15 minutes I was sweaty and coughing and exhausted. In 15 minutes I had worked harder than 1 hour on the treadmill at high incline.

I do 1 minutes 60 -80 watts on resistance 20, then go 1 minutes 190+ watts at resistance 40.

Have a good one everyone!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Funday = Chest Day

Whats up faithful followers? I hope your day was splending, I definitely enjoyed my day off!

The toughest thing about being off today was keeping to my eating schedule, but I was still able to do so, and have just one more meal for the day coming up at 9:00PM.

Either way today was chest day, and we all love chest day

I had to start with cables today because the benches were all taken (pretty busy in there, it was strange for sure.)

Anyways my workout:
On Cables pulling down: 5lb 3 sets of 50
On cables pulling up: 5lb 3 sets of 50
On cables pulling mid: 5lb 3 sets of 50.
Inclined Bench: 20lbs 3 sets of 50
Regular Bench: 25lbs 3 sets, 50,40,35.

They got pretty tough towards the end. But Nate told me as long as I was doing over 30 a set, I was good to go. And that my goal is to get to where im doing 50 reps then move up in weight. So I will be raising my cables all to 10lbs next week (although with my shoulder being the way it is, it does worry me some to increase TOO much) and raising inclines to 25. Ill keep regular where it is, but I have a feeling next week ill do all sets of 50 (because normally bench comes first in my workout, then cables. So by the time I got to it I was already pretty spent)

Anyways, other than that, still feeling great, still working hard, still being motivated. And hopefully, still motivating! And that was proof in today I was asked by a female friend of mine on how they can eat better to lose weight. So we are going to sit down and go over her diet, and then work around it, and figure out how best to modify it.

The best thing about all of this is that I am learning portion control. Im learning ratios (i.e. 40%Protein,30%carb,30%fat) and how to switch those up to do different things to your body. Im learning what TRUE healthy eating is, and what isnt. Im becoming educated.

Everytime Im leaving the rush I look up at the wall as you walk out, where it says the steps to being successful.

First I got myself motivated just by being me! And by decided it was time to really make a change in my life. Then over the course of a month, I got Educated. What to eat, when to eat, how to workout, when to workout, what to do, ect. Now Im vissualizing what I want to look like, how I want to feel, what I want to appear as. And now im BURNING with a Determination that cant be quenched by ANYTHING. I do NO extracurriculars, no fun activities, NOTHING until I have worked out for the day. Period. I cannot, and will not be deterred. That being said, and with the first 4 steps being emplimented, I WILL see a Transformation. There is no other concesiquence at all. By what I am doing, I will see results, plain and simple.

And that gets me MORE excited! I cant wait to be on the scale August 1st, 2011; and be 270 or lower. I cant wait to sit back and say, I, Freeze, have lost 100 pounds in 1 year.

And that day cant come any sooner!

Until next time

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friday and today.

Friday was arm day, which is pretty easy to do for any beginner. I do 8 different work outs, 4 bicept, 4 tricept, and i alternate. You can basically pic any workouts you know for these and do them, but what ive found for the most work is to do 4 diff ones for each, still using small weight, high reps ( in my case for losing weight.) Of course, if you are trying to bulk up, use the 5+5 method that I outlined in another post, as from people ive seen, this gives them the biggest growth.

Saturday I took a rest day, because I knew I was going into a hellacious workout today, Sunday. And boy did I.

Today I did a Rush Hour with Coach Matt (let me tell you guys, this man is awesome). Hes about 5'6 and used to weigh 270, and now hes definitely fit for sure. And boy did he kick my ass.

First off, when I discussed doing the Rush Hour with him today (we talked Thursday) he straight up told me he didnt think I had it in me. That he didnt think I could do it, because of my weight ect. And I looked him in the eyes and said "Dont tell me what I cannot do". So he told me that if I quit on him twice during the hour, he would send me home. I agreed, shook hands, and signed got put on the schedule for 12 today.

He told me yesterday we had to reschedule to 5, and I was ok with that. So we did.

Anyways long story short. It was intense as hell, probably the most intense cardio workout I have ever done (yes, even more intense than anything in football, ever.) The workout he put me through is specifically designed to shock your body and increase metabolism, for hours after the workout. As I type this I am starving (my eat schedule says my dinner is at 9... im definitely counting down the minutes lol)

So I finished the workout, within 5 minutes I was in the bathroom, puking. That was also a first for me. Never have I ever puked from working out. But it happened today, and I was ok with it. I was exhausted, ready to fall asleep. 15 minutes later I began sipping on my protein shake. Normally I just chug them, but my stomach was still turning, so sipping was definitely better.

All in all, I can say that I am happy I did it, it has opened my eyes to a whole new way to do cardio, and I will probably (if I can afford it) sign up with matt as a trainer, and do it more. I am guessing for my size, it would be wise to try to do such a workout 2-3 times a week. We will see how it all plays out.

Its 8:50... and im ready for dinner!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday Shoulder Day. Happy ST pattys

The new diet is going really well. I set alarms on my phone so that I would not forget when to eat. I was surprised that I was able to get to each meal without getting tooooo hungry. Then again, when you drink as much water as I do, its probably easier :p

Got the new Protein shake mix today too. Its called Nectar, and its 0 sugar 0 fat 26g protein shake, decently tasting for sure. White powder, but to my surprise, turned blue when I mixed it with the water. Like the old color changing Kool Aid from back in the day!

Sitting straight up bench: 10 lbs for 50 reps x3
Front arm raise/twists: 5 lbs for 30 reps x3
Fly raises: 5 lbs for 30 reps x 1
On Cables Pull backs: 3lbs for 50reps 3x
On Cables Pull up wing span: 3lbs got 30 reps x3
Then I did 30 min on the treadmill, usual stuff interval 2.4 at 7 incline, 3.0mph at 2.0 incline.

I know your probably thinking "wow, those weights are REALLY low".. and you're right. I have a dislocating shoulder (left) that I am trying to make sure I rehab correctly, and trust me, even doing 3 lbs on the cables breaks me into sweat and i have to fight for the last 10 or more. And it of course KILLS my left shoulder. Very painful, but I know that with repitition and hard work, it will eventually be strong enough to do more things. I havent dislocated it since 2006 (though ive done it about 10 times in all) and never rehabbed after the last one.

So yes, shoulder day will seem like a much lower workout, but in actuallity, its the hardest for me.

Anyways... Got to hop in the shower and get moving.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My pictures of my week worth of food!

This is what 1 week of pre-portioned food looks like. 1/4 a cup of rice is definitely as small as it sounds!

Please, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, feel free to ask! I want to be a motivation to others, while being motivated by others! Pick my brain as I have picked others, and let me help you succeed, with me!

And I forgot to mention the supplements I have been taking.

I take 2 capsules of D4 in the morning with my water ( although Im going to stop. they are thermagenics, and not really working)
Then pre workout, 2 scoops of Jack3d (although I think im going to switch it up when this supply finishes) and Post workout Protein, 1 serving of GNC Amplified blah blah blah (60g of protein, i have discovered, is too much for your body to metabolize in one serving, and therefore, this crap is actually COUNTERproductive, so I am coming off of it TOMORROW. My buddy Nate is picking me up some new protein shake suppliments, when I get it tomorrow I will post what it is, since I do not presently know exactly. lol)

And Here we go!

So here we are. Its March 16th, and I just had my roomate Matt take these photos. Now, the scale does show me at 326, although if you compare these photos to the others, the "befores", then in my mind, its hard to see a difference, Maybe you will be able to see what I cant see.

Either way, Im posting my measurements as of March 1st below, and weight (which unfortunately hasnt changed at all.) Then, what my new diet is starting tomorrow.

And as a side note: Im doing all of this legally. No illegal substances or anything. I do take some Pre and Post workout stuff, and ill say that below as well. In my measurements, black will be actual, red will be goal to hit by April 1st.

March 1st Measurements:
Weight: 327.2lbs 315
Left Bicep: 15.75inch 15
Right Bicep: 16 inches 15
L Bicep Flexed: 17 18
R Bicep Flexed: 17 18
L Thigh: 28.5 27
R Thigh: 28.4 27
L Calf: 17.75 17
R Calf: 18.5 18
Neck: 19.25 19
Chest: 51.75 50
Waist around belly button: 56 52
Waist where I wear pants: 48 44

When I made these goals on March 1st, I was going to be doing heavy strength lifting alongside of my cardio. After having talked to my friends who all are bodybuilders, we decided a better approach for weight loss would be higher reps at lower weight. And I just started this on Monday, March 14th, 2011. The few weeks I was in the gym before this date, I was doing bodybuilding and strength regimens, and walking to and from the gym, or other lighter cardio.

As of monday im doing something different. Here is my schedule:
Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Back
Weds: Legs
Thurs: Shoulders
Fri: Arms
Sat: Core
Sun: Rest ( still doing cardio)
each of these days is accompanied by cardio of course. So what I actually did so far was:
Monday: Incline bench w/ Dumbells 15lbs 50 reps x 3
Regular Bench w/dumbells 20 lbs 50 reps x3
On the cables High to low: 5 lbs 50 reps 4x
On the cables Low to High: 5 lbs 50 reps 3x
On the cables Middle: 5 lbs 50 reps 4x

And this chest workout is amazing, i was doing what we call 5+5's ( Each set increases reps and weight by 5. Example: 1st set 10lbs 10 reps, 2nd set 15lbs 15reps, ect.. to a minimum of 25 reps (or 4 sets) with the option to go to a 5th set(for 30 reps) if the 25 reps where completed. I stopped this style this Monday, because for building good mass quick, it IS amazing, and if you want to build mass, I will show you the 6 day workout at the gym anytime you want)
On Monday I also did 45 minutes on the treadmill, intervals of 2.4mph at 7 incline, and 2.8mph at 4

Tuesday: Back day
Seated Lat Pull downs (outer grip) 55lbs for 50reps x 3
Seated Lat pull downs (inner grip) 55lbs for 50 reps x3
Seated Rows: 40lbs for 50 reps x3
I dont know what to call the next 2, but its inner and outer grip style, single arm or double arm machine that you sit down facing the weight and pull towards you, like a row, but different. Either way i had 25lbs on each arm, did both inner and outer 3x for 50 reps.

So thats a total of 600 reps. This is what I need to be doing to build lean muscle and burn fat!
I then did an hour on the treadmill. intervals. 3.0mph at 2 incline, and 2.4mph at 7 incline. (Thanks Meredith for staying on with me! Def made everything go by quicker!)

And last but not least
Weds: Legs
Leg press: 135lbs 50reps x3
Leg Curls: 30 lbs 50 reps x3
Hip Abduction: 30 lbs 50 reps x3
Hip Adduction: 30 lbs 50 reps x 3
Thats ALL i did today, i know it wasnt the best, i didnt even get to squats, but when I was done, I sat down with Nate, the go to nutritionist and trainer, and had an extensive talk about my workouts and diet. And we went through what I have been eating, and we changed the hell out of it.

So here is my diet, starting tomorrow:
9 AM: Breakfast essentials (1 serving) made with water, not milk, and a banana if I want.

11 AM: 1/2 wrap ( my total wrap is 4oz turkey, 1 oz cheese, little brown mustard, on green, veggie made wrap. I make the total thing, and then cut it in half)

1PM: 4oz chicken breast( or a packet of tuna, plain) 1/4 serving of rice (which happens to be 1/4 cup) 1serving of mixed veggies (in this case, 2/3 of a cup)

3Pm: Other 1/2 of wrap

7PM: Post workout protein shake

9PM: 4oz of lean (94/6) beef, 1/4 serving rice, 1 serving veggies

and if I get hungry before bed, 1 spoon (not heaping) of peanut butter.

All of this while drinking 64-128 ounces of water a day. I have premade all of this food for this week already, so it will be easy to put it in my lunch box and go.

Let me know what you think! I will post pictures of the food in like 30 seconds.

Starting tomorrow: I will post everyday with my workout. And then 1st of the month i will do weight and measurements and pictures. And I WILL let you know if I somehow cheat on my diet (although, pre-portioning seems to me to be an easy way to keep from doing so)

Thank you again for your Support!

Update: Read

Well, Obviously my goal orignally was to lose 100 pounds in 2010. Unfortunately I didnt get to start until August 1, 2010.

So the 365 day goal is still in affect, but its from August 1, 2010 until July 31st, 2011. This pictures to the left are "before" shots taken right after I got on the scale on August 1, 2010.

On August 1, 2010 I weighed a wopping 370lbs! I couldnt believe the size I had grown to until that day when I stepped on the scale for the first time.... I was literally the biggest I had ever been. The most unhealthy, ect. The wierdest part about the entire thing was I kept hearing "You dont look like you weigh that much" and blah blah blah. People can be really nice sometimes, and for that, I thank you. But the truth is, at 22 years old, I realized I was on the fast track to death.

I tried to justify the entire thing by saying "Well, all of my family is big, so its natural for me" When the truth was, it wasnt. Its never natural for a person to be THAT obese. (We are talking a BMI of 50+) Not only that, But I am also a smoker. (I plan to quit, I will outline this in the next post) Which made me EVEN more likely to get some sort of heart disease, or some other life-ending complication. This was also a month after my daughter's 1 year birthdate. I decided it was time to REALLY change. Or at least, I thought so.

The next day, I quit soda completely. I started drinking water, eating a little better, occassionally some fast food. Playing basketball at the gym almost everyday was all the cardio I got... And by October 1st, I was down to between 320-330. 40-50 pounds lost. I was extatic!

However, I allowed myself to be blown off course by stupid excuses. Too busy at work, too much money, ect ect. Either way, I found myself eating fast food again, every night. No time in the gym. However, I never picked back up sodas. And for that, im glad. I went the whole winter without doing an ounce of cardio, without eating right. I got on the scale again Feb 27th, 2011. Scared to death of what I would see.... and I saw 330lbs.

I couldnt believe it. Through eating fast food, and being unhealthy for a few months, I had managed to somehow not gain any weight back. Leaving my Gross loss at 40lbs.

But then I got to thinking, and realized that I wasnt giving up. I was going to REALLY do it this time.

Now I know what your thinking, and yes, for the 23 years of my life, probably twice a year, I would say the same thing. Im REALLY going to change. Im REALLY going to finally do it. And year after year, I failed.

But this time is real. Im telling you in this blog. Im updating my 4square with check ins, im keeping people in the loop, to keep me accountable. Im going to be posting pictures the 1st of every month along with measurements. Im going for the GOLD. And I am succeeding and will succeed.

Thank you for reading, and subscribing to this blog. I hope that each and everyone of you as my friends, family, or someone I dont know, takes the time to read this. To keep up with me. To keep me accountable. The more people that are following this Journey that I am on, the more people who know, the more likely I will succeed!

And this will conclude my intro, intro post. I will be posting my March 1st stats and my new diet that i am starting TOMORROW, because the diet ive been on just isnt working.

Thanks a ton